Setting up netgauge on Ubuntu22.04

I already had intel oneapi MPI tools installed. So, this post depends on this.
This one uses the exact same topology, e.g. 3 machines on the same subnet.
The installation is really easy:
1. Clone the repository
2. Configure
3. Compile
4. Install
5. Copy installed files to all nodes
6. Prepare hostfile and machine file
7. Run

# Set these!

cd ~
tar -xvf netgauge-2.4.6.tar.gz
cd netgauge-2.4.6
source /opt/intel/oneapi/
./configure MPICC=mpicc MPICXX=mpicxx # set appropriately

ssh $host1 "mkdir -p netgauge-2.4.6"
ssh $host2 "mkdir -p netgauge-2.4.6"
scp -r ~/netgauge-2.4.6/netgauge $host1:netgauge-2.4.6/ # you can also copy only the binaries i guess
scp -r ~/netgauge-2.4.6/netgauge $host2:netgauge-2.4.6/

I_MPI_HYDRA_IFACE=enp1s0 ICX_TLS=tcp mpiexec -hostfile /home/afeser/hostfile -machinefile /home/afeser/machinefile -n 20 ./netgauge -m mpi --com_patterns=cpu

You should see something like this:

#I_MPI_HYDRA_IFACE=enp1s0 ICX_TLS=tcp mpiexec -hostfile /home/afeser/hostfile -machinefile /home/afeser/machinefile -n 20 ./netgauge -m mpi --com_patterns=cpu
# Info:   (0): Netgauge v2.4.6 MPI enabled (P=20, threadlevel=0) (./netgauge -m mpi --com_patterns=cpu )
# initializing x86-64 timer (takes some seconds)
# Info:   (0): writing data to ng.out.0
1 bytes 	 -> 1.54 us 	 == 0.27 Mbit/s
2 bytes 	 -> 1.54 us 	 == 0.31 Mbit/s
3 bytes 	 -> 1.52 us 	 == 0.44 Mbit/s
4 bytes 	 -> 1.27 us 	 == 0.88 Mbit/s
6 bytes 	 -> 3.38 us 	 == 5.26 Mbit/s
8 bytes 	 -> 3.35 us 	 == 5.53 Mbit/s
12 bytes 	 -> 3.36 us 	 == 3.80 Mbit/s
16 bytes 	 -> 3.35 us 	 == 5.04 Mbit/s
24 bytes 	 -> 3.32 us 	 == 7.70 Mbit/s
32 bytes 	 -> 1.52 us 	 == 9.47 Mbit/s
48 bytes 	 -> 3.39 us 	 == 18.53 Mbit/s
64 bytes 	 -> 3.41 us 	 == 33.33 Mbit/s
96 bytes 	 -> 3.37 us 	 == 65.98 Mbit/s
128 bytes 	 -> 3.32 us 	 == 46.31 Mbit/s
192 bytes 	 -> 1.53 us 	 == 62.74 Mbit/s
256 bytes 	 -> 3.46 us 	 == 175.19 Mbit/s
384 bytes 	 -> 3.44 us 	 == 114.13 Mbit/s
512 bytes 	 -> 3.54 us 	 == 138.34 Mbit/s
768 bytes 	 -> 3.49 us 	 == 238.81 Mbit/s
1024 bytes 	 -> 3.52 us 	 == 618.17 Mbit/s
1536 bytes 	 -> 3.58 us 	 == 1292.79 Mbit/s
2048 bytes 	 -> 3.55 us 	 == 637.44 Mbit/s
3072 bytes 	 -> 3.55 us 	 == 951.42 Mbit/s
4096 bytes 	 -> 3.63 us 	 == 3415.23 Mbit/s
6144 bytes 	 -> 3.74 us 	 == 1836.55 Mbit/s
8192 bytes 	 -> 3.99 us 	 == 6206.80 Mbit/s
12288 bytes 	 -> 4.17 us 	 == 4264.65 Mbit/s
16384 bytes 	 -> 4.35 us 	 == 4750.71 Mbit/s
24576 bytes 	 -> 4.70 us 	 == 16196.18 Mbit/s
32768 bytes 	 -> 5.66 us 	 == 8762.61 Mbit/s
49152 bytes 	 -> 7.38 us 	 == 12539.20 Mbit/s
65536 bytes 	 -> 8.14 us 	 == 15740.67 Mbit/s
98304 bytes 	 -> 9.28 us 	 == 18271.10 Mbit/s
131072 bytes 	 -> 12.81 us 	 == 23673.44 Mbit/s


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